Colonel Etoundi Marius, Paul Biya’s Doctor Dies From Covid-19

Colonel Etoundi Marius, one of President Paul Biya’s medical doctors has died today May 22, reportedly killed by Coronavirus.

Hospitalized for a couple of days after testing positive for the virus, the Colonel died early this morning in Yaounde

He was quickly buried at his village in Konabeng, as per the rule of burying victims killed by the virus to curb further contamination

Authorities are yet to issue a public statement after his demise

Reputed for his long service and Biya’s trust in the colonel, Etoundi served the president for over two decades. He was believed to know every nook and cranny of the system

He is among the list of several doctors killed by Coronavirus in Cameroon.

The country’s toll has topped four thousand. As of May 22, 2020, the nationwide figure was put at 4,288 cases with 1,808 recovered, 2,324 active cases and 156 deaths.

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