Cameroon: The Story Of The Mishandled xaf180 Bln Covid-19 Funds

The president through Ngoh Ngoh is requesting for a detailed account of funds spent which amounts to 180 billion CFA (around US$330 million)

Cameroon’s long-standing president, Paul Biya recently gave orders for an investigation on the misappropriation of Covid-19 funds

The trigger for the investigation, reports say, was caused by the government’s ongoing approach to the International Monetary Fund(IMF) for a next loan

IMF demanded an account on the previous loan the country had taken before any next disbursements could be made

The current loan negotiation will be the third loan the Cameroon government is taking since the start of the coronavirus pandemic

Writing on behalf of the President, the Secretary general at the Presidency, Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh, sent a line of letters on the covid funds – one to the Ministry of Justice and another to Contrôle supérieur de l’État du Cameroun (CONSUPE)

CONSUPE is Cameroon’s state auditing body.

Ferdinand Ngo’s March 29 letter to CONSUPE instructed the auditing body to track an audit of all Covid-19 spending, which would facilitate the conclusion of “a new economic and financial program with the IMF”.

On April 6, Ngoh Ngoh again forwarded a letter to the Ministry of Justice – a copy of a report on Covid-19 spending prepared by an investigative body from the Supreme Court which directed the Ministry to open a “judicial inquiry” into those responsible for misappropriating Covid-19 funds in Cameroon.

Paul Biya through Ngoh Ngoh, is requesting a detailed account of funds spent which amounts to 180 billion CFA (around US$330 million)

A total of 24 ministries will have to proof how they managed their various funds

While Cameroonians are anxiously looking forward to this report, it appears that all concerns about the misappropriation of funds could only arise because IMF demanded an account on previous loans before issuing a next.

Since March 2020, the IMF has approved two emergency loans to Cameroon totaling $382 million (around 208 billion CFA)

The plan is that the new Covid-19 management team will be headed by a task force directly supervised by the Presidency.

The new team will report to Secretary general Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh. A new order, said the team, will have a representative from the Prime Ministerial office, two envoys from the Ministry of Health and representatives from the Ministries of Finance, Defense and a high security member

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