Cameroon: SDF To Continue Fight For Federation.Read Her Two-Way Plan To Solve The Anglophone Crisis

Cameroon’s main opposition party, SDF has released her plan to work towards dialogue and peace in Cameroon on the Anglophone crisis. 

The party has said it would work in two ways; dialogue with the Cameroon Head of State and dialogue with her MPs and Senators who serve as direct representatives of the people.

This was revealed during yesterday’s meeting of the party’s MPs at Olezoa, Yaoundé.

While stressing on the need to continue the fight for federalism, the party decided to create a rapport between its MPs and the people involved in the crises ; the MPs and Senators would have several briefings with the masses to sensitize them on the current state of affairs. 

Among other things, the party adopted a plan ahead of the upcoming March parliamentary session while condoling with the affected families




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