Opposition leader, Maurice Kamto has announced he will address Cameroon at 8pm GMT, same time the president has set for his address.
“End of Year speech of President-elect Maurice KAMTO this evening at 8: 00 pm on his Facebook and YouTube platforms” Olivier Bibou Nissack, Kamto’s spokesman wrote.
In the October 2018 presidential elections, Maurice Kamto from the MRC won 14 percent of the vote, placing second after incumbent President Paul Biya.
But Kamto rejected the results, denouncing alleged electoral irregularities, and declared himself the official winner, leading to mass protests.
He was charged with sedition, insurrection, inciting violence, and hostility, and was subsequently jailed from January 28 to October 5, 2019.
Even after his release, Kamto continues to pummel Paul Biya with a rivalry. Both speeches are expected tonight
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