Not long after the death of Mayor Ekema Patrick of Buea, the South West region of Cameroon has once again been hit by sad news of another death
Mayor Rodanny Mbua MOKAKO, re-elected Mayor of Limbe 1 municipality has died early Saturday April 25, 2020
According to reports, the Mayor was first admitted in Limbe and when issues aggravated, he was transferred to the Douala Gyneco-Obstetric Hospital where he gave up the ghost.
The are controversies that the mayor died of Covid-19, a claim that authorities are yet to respond to. If this be the case, then the mayor’s body will not return to his Limbe municipality as it has to be buried in a hury.
Mayor Rodany had his first mandate in 2013, installed by the late George Zang III, then SDO of Fako.
As of April 25, 2020 1,430 Covid-19 cases have been reported in Cameroon. 692 active cases, 120 hospitalised, 20 on respiratory assistance, 668 recoveries and 43 deaths
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