Biya Creates Board To Manage Sports Facilities

President Paul Biya has created a board to take care of sports infrastructures, organisation and its functioning

In a degree signed by the Head of State on August 17, 2022, he outlined that “the board shall be under the supervisory authority of the Ministry of sports and physical education, which shall monitor its activities”

According to the press release, the newly created board shall be a public body endowed with financial and management autonomy, with headquarters in Yaounde and branches all over the country

The release detailed that the mission of the board “shall be to use its expertise to ensure the upkeep, repair, operations, safety and development of sports facilities and equipments all over the country”

This comes at a time when images of some stadiums which hosted the AFCON surfaced on social media in deteriorating states.

On social media platforms, critics blamed the government for using state money to build such infrastructures and abandoned them after the AFCON

However, the creation of the new board may probably be a good move to improve on the situation

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