Opposition Leader Maurice Kamto says he has been under house arrest since the September 22 protests.
From his temporary detention, Kamto said “… The Cameroonian government has decided to launch an “assault” on my residence where I have been held hostage since the 20 September 2020 by security forces equipped with an arsenal worthy of theatres of war,” he said
According to the press release, Kamto says though he can’t explain why he has been held hostage, he says it most be an order from Paul Biya .
“it should in all likelihood be in line with the actions of Mr. BIYA who has ruled this country for four decades by contempt and terror,”
Kamto went ahead and said more than 600 Cameroonians have been arrested in connection to the September 22 protest.
While calling on the national and international communities to take action, Kamto said same barbarism and terror happened in Bamenda in 2016, when protesters took to the streets.
Below is the press release
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