Amnesty International’s Report, US To Open Investigation On Allegations of Torture by Cameroon Troops


Detainees were severely beaten with various objects including electric cables, machetes and wooden sticks,” suspended from poles and subjected to drowning. The report added that many were deprived of food, water and medical attention
An inquiry team has been launched to investigate the allegation that Cameroonian troops were tortured and murdered at a US troop base. The call was made by amnesty international who is reported to have documented over 80 cases of Cameroonian abuse at the base in Salak, Cameroon’s Far North region between 2013 and 2017. 

The act was carried against people suspected to be supporters of the Boko Haram insurgents. 

Amnesty International revealed that US troops would be stationed at the Salak base, headquarter of Rapid Intervention Battalion, BIR. 

Col. Mark Cheadle, spokesman for US Africa Command said a commander’s inquiry has been launched to determine if any U.S. troops were aware of the alleged abuses.

The Cameroon government has however criticized the Amnesty international report.

Most cases investigated by Amnesty International involved men between 18 to 45 years old, though the group documented the maltreatment of some women, children and people with mental and physical disabilities.

Henriettas Lounge reports that several people interviewed confirmed they had witnessed deaths after torture. Boko Haram’s insurgency has killed more than 20,000 people and displaced 2.7 million in northeastern Nigeria and neighboring countries of Cameroon, Chad and Niger.

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