President Paul Biya has finally come up with some solutions that may cause striking teachers to return to the classrooms.
This comes as a result of a meeting that was held Thursday March 10 between the Minister of Communication, Minister of Secondary Education, Minister of Basic education, Minister of Finance and Minister of Public service and administrative reforms as instructed by the Head of State.
The following were signed and published by minister Rene Emmanuel Sadi, Government’s Spokesman as resolutions of the meeting:
- Payment of monthly salary complements to teachers (holders or bot of decree of integration)
- Payment of non lodging indemnities due to teachers who are not receiving it.
- Clear all payments as from the month of May 2022 and in a progressive manner, taking into account promotion arrears
- Proceed with sequential payment as from June 2022
- Render the constitution of integration documents for teachers systematic before before the end of their training.
- The systemic submission files of ENS and ENSET graduates at the regional delegation or central services of MINFOPRA where necessary
- Urgent treat integration files at MINFOPRA and do an exhaustive balance sheet of the integration files of teachers
- Proceed with sequential payment from June 2022 of dues of advancement and reclassification of teachers.
Those are some of the key outcome of the meeting, as it was highly recommended by the Head of State.
For about three weeks, disgruntled teachers in some Francophone regions of Cameroon have stopped teaching and raised worries of non payment of salaries and allowance by the government.
In one of its latest press release, the teachers strike action association known as OTS in its French acronym said they are calling off the strike.
Minister Rene Emmanuel Sadi however thanked some teachers who didn’t joined the strike. In his words, the Minister said “they are exhibiting a high sense of patriotism”
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