September 20, 2020
Douala based activist Andre Blaise has been arrested by government military authorities in Douala.
It barely two days to a nationwide protest against dictatorship in Cameroon organised by oppsotion leader Maurice Kamto
“Probably, the government fears the show Blaise may put up if he’s left loose on that day” someone wrote of the arrest
In 2016, Blaise halted circulation for a while on the streets of Douala while he stationed a statue at the round about in Bonakouamouang, Akwa.
It was the statue of John Ngu Foncha which he erected, the statue was immediately removed by the military and he was detained
Blaise has been detained on several occasions for destroying statues of colonial masters (French) in Douala.
On one of those arrests, he was released from the newbell central prison after being jailed for six months
Blaise is an activist on a mission to erase all traces of colonial figures in Cameroon.
He has been battling to purge Cameroon of monuments celebrating its French colonial past and replacing them with local heroes
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