Paul Biya Sends Secret Message To Ali Bongo

By Taku Marbel

Appointed Minister of Economy, Planning & Regional Development as part of last February cabinet reshuffle, Alamine Ousmane Mey has been sent by his boss Paul Biya with a secret message for president Ali Bingo of Gabon.

Gabon local media is reporting that the Cameroon minister was received at the Presidential Palace On Friday November 1, 2019 but both countries have refused to share the content of the message from Biya.

Alamine Ousmane Mey is pictured above with the ageing Ali Bongo exchanging pleasantries.

It is whispered that “the presence of the Cameroonian envoy in Gabon is part of the regular consultations between the heads of state of the sub-region”.

Alamine Ousmane Mey and Ali Bongo

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