[National Dialogue] Mark Bareta Responds To PM’s Invitation: “I Am Ready To Take My Flight…”

Ahead of the upcoming Grand National Dialogue to solve the Cameroon Anglophone crisis, front line Ambazonia activists were invited early this week to join consultative talks in Yaounde.

Taking place from September 30 to October 4, 2019, the dialogue team extended invitations to activists Mark Bareta, Dr. Samuel Sako, Chris Anu and over 10 others.

In response to his invitation, Mark Bareta has said he is willing to take part in the dialogue talks if some conditions are met.

In a 6 page response, the activist questioned the validity of a dialogue session when key political figures in the struggle remain behind bars.

“Why should I be at the dialogue table while Sisiku AYUK TABE Julius, Deacon Tassang Wilfred, who is our symbol of educational system… are behind bars?”

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Though ready to attend a dialogue session, he advances some conditions which must be met;

“Despite the short notice of your invitation, I am ready to abandon and take the next flight to sit and talk should our leaders and people be released , a neutral venue named, third party mediation be guaranteed, cease fire declared and buffer zone created.

Mr Prime minister, can these be done?

Away from that you must also know that there is no trust and confidence in the national dialogue – just see how it is done, francophone and CPDM stooges flooding the area ” – Bareta wrote

Here is the complete response

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