By Rey Joe
Cameroon’s Head of state, President Paul Biya has extended the mandate of municipal councilors to February 29, 2020.
In a decree signed early today, it was mentioned that the decision was taken “after consultation with the government and the bureau of the senate”.
This decree is followed by two letters; one from Prime Minister Joseph Dion Ngute dated June 27, 2019 and another from the Senate President dated June 21, still on the extension of the mandate of MPs.
The decision comes after another decree signed on July 11, 2018 still by Paul Biya which extended the mandate of municipal councilors for 12 months.
Critics had questioned the possibility of organising further elections when the country is currently facing some challenges including the resurfacing Boko Haram insurgency in the Northern regions and the armed conflict in the Anglophone regions. They say the government should be preoccupied with the question of peace rather than organizing elections.
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