​Cameroon: UN Calls On Political Leaders From Both Ends To Refrain From Further Acts Of Violence

The United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has opposed violence in Cameroon and called for a halt of hostility so dialogue can prevail. 
The UN desk published a communique calling on “political leaders on both sides to appeal to their followers to refrain from any further acts of violence, and to unequivocally condemn all actions that undermine the peace, stability and unity of the country.”

This however comes few days after President Paul Biya’s social media post calling for dialogue in objection to violence despite the perpetrator. 

The office has also opposed the cut of internet services in the English speaking regions.

The Anglophone crisis which began months ago by lawyers and teachers is inflating to a secessionist call by many. 

It is therefore anticipated that secession may be another proposal on the dialogue table. 

While others support a federal system, another say secession might be the best option for Cameroon. 

However, the government insists that the unity of the country remains non-negotiable. They say Cameroon is and would remain one and indivisible nation. 




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