Health Minister, Manaouda Malachie mentioned in a tweet that his team was going for Madagascar’s organic drug to cure Covid-19.
Mr Manaouda said a meeting with Madagascan visitors was on its way so they could talk more about the herbal product
Launched as Covid-Organics, Madagascar’s treatment for Coronavirus is produced from the artemisia plant – the source of an ingredient used in a malaria treatment and other Malagasy plants.
The plant-based tonic is to be given free of charge to the most vulnerable and though the drug has come under much criticisms, African countries have rushed to secure safe deals with Madagascar.
Je reçois également demain matin, un compatriote dans le cadre d’une liaison avec Madagascar, en vue d’en savoir plus sur le produit présenté comme traitement du COVID-19
— Dr MANAOUDA MALACHIE (@DrManaouda) April 27, 2020
The President of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina launched the cure last week disclosing that it had cured two patients, and almost immediately, the World Health Organization (WHO) said there was no proof of a cure for Covid-19
The product is being marketed in a bottle and as a herbal tea after being tested on fewer than 20 people over a period of three weeks, the president’s chief of staff Lova Hasinirina Ranoromaro told the BBC.

Madagascar’s President, Andry Rajaolina said Senegal equally ordered the traditional treatment he is using to treat Coronavirus in his country.
This was revealed after a chat between Senegal’s President Macky Sall and Andry himself.
Both leaders later took to social media to laud the newly established health cooperation. “Long live Africa and its natural wealth” tweeted Andry
Madagascar reopened schools this week after being closed for a month due to coronavirus.
Students in Madagascar’s capital city were given face masks and a small bottle of the herbal extract, they were told to drink to protect them from covid-19.
Many grimacing at its bitter taste, the students swallowed the drink and entered school to resume classes – they were now seated one on a desk instead of two, for safer distance.
Cameroon is on its way for a meeting with Madagascar officials and citizens are anxious for a favorable deal.
As of April 28, 2020, 1,705 Covid-19 cases have been reported in Cameroon, 805 recoveries and 58 deaths.
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