Inside Story: How Police Arrested Buea-Based MLM Company Founders Over xaf 800 Million Investments!

"When you put xaf 100, you had xaf 200 within 30 days, it was a 100% return on investments" one of the investors confirmed to us

On Tuesday October 27, police arrested members of TBY, a Buea based multilevel marketing scheme over misuse of investment funds.

It was a total sum of xaf 800 Million investments contributed by multiple investors who trusted the network marketing scheme. It promised to double their investments within 30 days

“When you invest xaf 100, you received xaf 200 within 30 days.

It was a 100% return on investments and they called you to confirm your account number each time a profit on investments was supposed to be sent” the first investor told us on phone

Among those arrested is Buea based prophet Samuel E. Molombe

It is not sure what part the clergy played in the company’s problems but social media grew wild when images flooded the internet revealing him handcuffed among the group of 5 arrested

CNA said “the clergy was tasked with the buying of a building for the company”

We can’t independently verify this

Another investor we spoke to was still in tears over the company’s shutdown, Tuesday October 28 was supposed to be his biggest payout day

“I really can’t say.. I’m still in shock with TBY ,they were to begin my payouts today and they’re saying the government confiscated thier properties

And that the government says they will do the payouts so all of us investors are to go to Douala to collect our money at the police station at Bonanjo” he recounted to us

While this is a developing story, the group is yet to be placed before the press for their own coin of what happened to the funds

Police authories are yet to accept press confrontation

The founders have spent their first night in custody and the police released their images with cards on their chest, labelled with their names and ages

Less than a month ago, MIDA and AFRICA LIF, two other MLM investment companies shut down leaving investors over debts

This is a developing story…

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