Gabon: Ali Bongo Set Free From House Arrest,

Ex- Gabonese president, Ali Bongo has officially been released from house arrest.

He was released on Wednesday, September 6, 2023, following an oficial statement from Gabon’s military spokesman, Colonel Ulrich Manfoumbi.

“Given his state of health, the former President of the Republic Ali Bongo Ondimba is free to move about. He may, if he wishes, travel abroad for medical checkups,” Colonel Ulrich said in a statement read on national television on Wednesday evening.

The 64-year-old who had been in power since 2009 is now free either to leave the country or stay in Gabon.

The statement stipulating Ali Bongo’s release from house arrest was signed by General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, who was sworn in as Gabon’s new head of state on Monday, September 4, 2023 .

Oligui is a cousin of Bongo who had served as a bodyguard to Bongo’s late father and also headed the country’s republican guard, an elite military unit.

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