Douala: 19 Year Old Gunned Down bya Gendarme Officer

A Gendarme officer in the Littoral region is reported to have killed 19 year old Fabrice Ndonkwo, published. 
Reports say Fabrice who is just 19 years of age was intercepted by a Gendarme Officer Monday night at about 11:00pm at Total Manjo during a night patrol.

He brandished a locally fabricated pistol to shoot the Gendarme Officer at very close range while the Officer in self-defense hurriedly fired back on his chest. 

He dropped dead on the spot. 

Inhabitants say Fabrice is noted for terrorizing the entire neighborhood and causing trouble. 

At the time of this report, no statement had yet been made about the issue. His corpse has being carried to the hospital pending burial. 

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