Cases of coronavirus in Cameroon have officially topped three thousand
The toll is continuing to climb, officials have noted, asking people to stay home and observe the necessary health measures.
As of May 21, 2020, the nationwide figure was put at 3,733 cases with 1,595 recovered, 1,992 active cases and 146 deaths.
These are official figures recorded since the Ministry of Health reported Cameroon’s first case on February 24, 2020.
The worry is that the pandemic continues to gain grounds in Cameroon, now affecting almost all of its regions
Of the 146 deaths, it has also included medical experts and government authorities
While other government-arranged plans are ongoing, Cameroonians are worried about the dropping recovery rates.
Cameroon stands as one of the hardest hit in Sub-Saharan Africa after South Africa with 19,137 infections and 369 deaths
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