Cameroon: Over 18 Rescued, 1 Dead After Fierce Confrontation Between Military And Bandits  

(ARREYB News Reports) After a brief confrontation between Cameroonian forces and some armed groups from Central African Republic, over 18 citizens have been freed .

These citizens were among several others held hostage by kidnappers .One was killed and four others injured. 

VOA reports that Doctor Yali Bin Yamazani,a doctor in the Cameroonian town of Ngoundere attested that most of the victims rushed to his hospital suffered bullet injuries.

A business man who witnessed the scene confirmed that they were wounded in the fierce confrontation between the Cameroonian forces and the gang of kidnappers from the Central African Republic .

He and two other friends were held for over two months after the group raided their village shooting a good number of bullets .

The authorities have asked the population to remain calm as they are taking every necessary measure to protect the citizens and ensure their security. 

This event adds to the many instances where such groups have terrorised most especially the business men demanding for a ransom. 

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