March 15, 2023 in Muea, Buea, two students accused of being separatist fighters have been killed and their bodies paraded on the streets
Mboh Akua and Ngule Linus, both students of the University of Buea, were forcefully captured from their student residential homes by government military soldiers who labelled them as Ambazonia separatist fighters.
Their lifeless bodies were later dropped at a public spot next to the Muea Slaughter House.
Heading the military attack group was the notorious traditional ruler and military officer Moja Moja who was captured on video trampling on both corpses and sending warning messages to inhabitants.
But the Cameroonian government has stayed silent 48 hours after the act even when it appears the controversial Moja Moja may have killed the wrong people
Ngule on his social, had repeatedly made posts about being a peace crusader and calling himself a “lecturer for peace”. It is therefore unlikely that he was a separatists
Reacting to the killing, human rights lawyer Bar Agbor Nkongho wrote:
“Ngule Linus and Mbo Giress, two young male students from the University of Buea were taken away from their student residential homes “ mini cite” in Molyko by 2 plain clothes officers and carried away in a white hilux.
Ngule Linus studying International Relations was later found dead (16 March 2023) and his corpse deposited at the Buea Mortuary.”
Buea, like anywhere else in the Anglophone regions of Cameroon has become difficult zone for cvilians who could be, at any moment, falsely labelled as terrorists and snatched into custody
Since 2016, the Anglophone regions have been plagued by random shootings, gun battles between the government military and separatists, killing, unlawful arrest and torture
Inhabitants in these regions continue to live in panic and fear for their lives
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