Blackout: North West Goes 24 Hours Without Electricity

Inhabitants of the North West region have raised complains about experiencing power failure for more than 24 hours

The outage started in many parts of the North West since the early hours of Friday August 12, 2022

It worsen during the day when electricity was cut in Bamenda, capital city of the region.

Businesses and organisations have complained that business can’t function smoothly without electricity.

The situation is worsen for those with perishable goods who say the outage is costing their entire business

Nevertheless, the regional delegate has reacted to the outage

“We have experienced a major fault at the Bamenda power station this evening, that has rendered the entire region into darkness,” a section of his message stated

Adding that they have informed the “specialised unit in Bafoussam” to reach to Bamenda for an urgent intervention.

This, of course, isn’t the first time the entire region is experiencing power failure. On several occasions business have cried foul against the current power supply company

However, Cameroonians suffer from a monopoly with Eneo being the lone supplier of electricity across the country.

The result is that citizens are left at the mercy of a unstable service provider that has no rivals and competition to stir quality service

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