Bamenda: Mezam SDO Bans Sporting Activities On Weekends At Administrative Areas

The Senior Divisional Officer of the Mezam division in the North West region, has issued an order limiting sporting activities around the administrative area in Bamenda.

In a release made public, Mr Simon Emile Mooh stated that sporting activities are prohibited in the area on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays.

“Mass sporting activities around Up Station Bamenda, notably old GRA, Governor junction, Customs junction and Monument junction are hereby prohibited” Mr Simon wrote in the release.

According to him, apart from the three days mentioned, the “PARCOURS VITA” is free for the other days.

The areas mentioned include Up Station, GRA, Governor’s Junction, Customs Junction, and Monument Junction.

The SDO called on the forces of law and order to make sure the decision is respected.

Bamenda is the chief town of the North West region and has been battling with insecurity following the Anglophone crisis since 2016.

Could this be due to insecurity issues in the town?

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