A police man is reported to have stabbed a young man to death in Yaounde, capital city of the Centre region in Cameroon
Reports say the young man was killed on Friday night infront of a nightclub after a confrontation with the police officer
Eye witnesses say the man was overpowered by the police who confronted him with a friend over making advances to his girlfriend
The man, a native from Bali in the North West region, had been threatened before by the officer who accused him of multiple advances on his long-time girlfriend
But authorities are yet to do anything about the issue and no official statement has been put out
A second report testified that the officer is yet to be sanctioned and the Police communication department is yet to make official statements
The case adds to a line of recent cases where government military officers have been involved with civilians without any actions of justice
Less than 3 weeks ago, another police officer pulled a trigger on the mother of his son in Bamenda, North West Region
Social media went wild when images circulated online but there are no reports of any actions taken or official statements on the issue
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