By Rey King
A girl in Buea has died after she was shot dead by unidentified men.
Dominic Meme, Canal 2 Political desk editor reports that “she was heading to church when she was targeted and shot by unidentified men”.
The Buea atmosphere remains tensed in quarters like Molyko, Mile 16 and 17 and Muea while there is relative calm in places like Clerks Quaters , Buea Town and Great Soppo.
This comes a day after the lifeless body of a man was early Thursday morning discovered around the Mile 17 Motor Park in Buea, South West Region of Cameroon.
Eyewitnesses said the body presented signs of bullet wounds and the man must have been shot the previous night and abandoned at the park.
Locals said gunshots were heard the previous night and early yesterday morning but not around the Mile 17 Motor Park.
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