US Insist On “Respect For Human Rights” In Gabon

The United States of America has strongly condemned the deposition of Gabon’s President, Ali Bongo Ondimba, and the forceful military takeover of power in the Central African country .

The US view on the turn of events in Gabon is contained in a statement released by the US Department of State spokesperson, Matthew Miller, where the US also expressed support for the people of Gabon.

“The United States is deeply concerned by evolving events in Gabon. We remain strongly opposed to military seizures or unconstitutional transfers of power,” Miller said.

“In addition, we call on all actors to show restraint and respect for human rights and to address their concerns peacefully through dialogue following the announcement of election results,” he statement added.

The release also highlighted the lack of transparency and reports of election rigging in Gabon.

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