Atanga Nji Wants All Bikes Painted Yellow !

Territorial Administration boss, Paul Atanga Nji, has declared war on bike riders in Cameroon’s restive North West region

Addressing the press Friday March 13, 2020 after chairing a regional security meeting, Minister Atanga instructed that all bikes as from Tuesday March 17, 2020, must be identified and painted yellow.

Making it crystal clear that defaulters will face the heavy punishment of the law, Paul Atanga Nji said Friday March 13, 2020 makes it ten months since he went into agreement with bike leaders for them to comply with the rules and regulations.

“Henceforth, all the motorbike riders in Mezam division, will have the yellow paint and the yellow paint will be done free of change by the city Mayor. I want to make it clear that the defaulters will face the heavy punishment of the law”, he ordered.

The minister said directly or indirectly, what happened at the grandstand on March 8, 2020 was carried out with the aid of bike riders

“Those who have not been identified will have difficulties with the Police, the Gendarmes and even the city council mayors”

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