After yesterday’s scene that saw the death of one gendarme, the Senior Divisional Officer for Jakiri has issued a 24 hours ultimatum for the missing gun to be found.
The ultimatum was issued following reports that the gendarme officer was killed yesterday after a brief confrontation with some inhabitants.
Latest reports say the “killer” ceased the officer’s gun and shot him four times before escaping.
Our reporters around the area say the town Jakiri of the North West Region of Cameroon is presently deserted as locals, most especially youths are now in hiding.
The reason for the killing is yet to be spelt out and authorities are yet to reveal an exact recount of the scene.
This incident however comes few days after GBHS Jakiri was set ablaze at the weekend.
The Saturday fire came at about 8:30pm when some five unidentified men stormed campus with heavy weapons according to two security guards on duty.
Jakiri now breaths an uneasy air following the dual wranglings in less than a week.
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