“Please tell me I am dreaming…my TJ gone? What imma do without you uncle TJ ehn…11 years you did all for me.
“Put me before you at all times, all the times I wouldn’t wanna wake up for a show or flight you’d carry me like a baby in the car.
“No matter what I did right or wrong, you were there for me, to allow me spend money sometimes nah problem.
“Everytime, ‘david don’t worry I’ll use my card’, you were such a big person with a baby heart. Everyone loves you, I wanna wake up late for a show so you’d come and carry me again.
I don’t even know what I am typing man…RIP UNCLE TIJANI..tired of being ‘Strong’.
Singer Davido wrote an emotional post after the death of his bodyguard.
Teejay served David for 11 years in a roll
It is not clear what happened to Teejay but some Nigeria media has reported that the crew was involved in a fight
They said Teejay got starbed in the back while he went to recover a Davido’s missing ATM card.
Fans have since expressed condolences to the music star.
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