North West: Governor Cautions Population On Increase Infected Number Of Covid-19

The governor of the North West region has informed the population of the North West region that there is a drastic increase of covid-19 affected persons in the region.

According to a press release signed by governor Adolph Lele L’Afrique on February 12, the region recorded 116 positive cases and 5 deaths for the past ten days.

Governor Adolph Lele say this increase is as a result of not respecting the barrier measures of hand washing and wearing of facemasks.

Citing the most affected Divisions in the region, Lele say Mezam, Boyo Donga Mantung and Ngoketunjia are the most affected Divisions, with the city of Bamenda toping.

Adolph Lele say the population should respect the barrier measures, adding that there will soon be covid-19 testing in the region.

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