Idriss Deby Leads Offensive Against Boko Haram

Chadian President Idriss Deby has led his troops into retaliating with a heavy attack on the deadly group Boko Haram

Deby is leading the armies of Nigeria, Chad and Niger to launch a major military offensive against Boko Haram in the lake Chad as a response to three major attacks they suffered in March that killed up to 170 soldiers of the three nationalities.

The operation is named ‘The Wrath of Boma’, a reference to the military camp where the soldiers were killed two weeks ago.

The battle has now claimed the lives of at least 76 jihadists, according to the Chadian Government.

Idriss Deby took up the position at the war front since last week, leading his forces on ground in several offenses that are reported to have destroyed five Boko Haram bases.

Just after the start of hostilities, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau released a five minutes audio addressed to Déby who was coordinating the operation.

Weapons confiscated from the Boko Haram group in battle

“Do not think that because you have fought in several wars and the secular and on many fronts you can fight those who have chosen to fight for the religion” Shekau threatened in part of his warning audio

The Wrath of Boma began last Sunday and is still in progress.

General Idriss Déby, born June 18, 1952 has been the president of Chad since 1990 and also head of the Patriotic Salvation Movement.

Déby is of the Bidyat clan of the Zaghawa ethnic group. He took power at the head of a rebellion against President Hissène Habré in December 1990 and has since survived various rebellions against his own rule.

He won elections in 1996 and 2001, and after term limits were eliminated he won again in 2006, 2011, and 2016.

Deby added “Itno” to his surname in January 2006. He is a graduate of Muammar Gaddafi’s World Revolutionary Center

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