Two persons have lost their lives in a fatal road accident at the Yaounde 20th May boulevard.
Dr Tume Kenneth, a lecturer in the university of Bamenda and Nwantum Damasius, a master student in the same institution are the victims of last night’s accident.
Dr Tume Kenneth is a lecturer in the department of Performing and Visual Arts while Nwantum Damasius is a master student in the same department.
Their car had a head-on collision with a truck at the Yaounde 20th May boulevard last night and they were confirmed death minutes later.
“One of the victims is getting married on Saturday at St Joseph Mvog- Ada in Yaounde” a source said
Dr Tume was also serving as the divisional delegate of arts and culture for Mezam Division, while Damasius was a prolific film producer and camera director.
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