Professor Shadrach A. Ambanasom, Author Of ‘Son Of The Native Soil Is No More’

He wrote the famous novel ‘Son Of The Native Soil’ which was used for several years in contemporary Cameroonian literature classes

The famous writer and Professor Shadrach A. Ambanasom is no more.

Professor Shadrach died on Friday night after an illness

Shadrach’s Son of the Native Soil is a work whose quiet maturity glows in both subject and style staring the main hero Lucas Achamba

Achamba, by charisma and love undertakes to unite Dudum clan which politicking and egotism have split.

His quick success stirs bitter rivalry and heartless cruelty that decides his fate.

Nature is jumpy and even hysterical at this, and Ambanasom exposes it with fine evocative mastery.

The style is refined and honeyed by sonal devices and visual tropes that half conceal subtle slashes at human foibles.

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