Two Arrested For Allegedly Hacking ELECAM’s Facebook Page

Tata Narih and Vedzedze have been arrested for allegedly hacking the facebook page of Elections Cameroon, ELECAM.

The two suspects are presently at the judicial police headquarters in Yaounde.

Narih and Vedzedze are said to have accepted that they hacked the facebook page of Elections Cameroon on June 23.

On June 23, the suspects hacked the facebook page of ELECTIONS Cameroon and posted a picture of Prof Maurice Kamto with these words “the truth shall always prevail, it’s just a matter of time”.

The two suspects will be presented before the state prosecutor in the days ahead.

Experts in cybercrimes from the National Agency of Information and Communication Technologies, ANTIC have revealed that more suspects involved in the criminal act will be track down in the days ahead.

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