Painful Exit Of Henriette Thatcher Cameroonian Philanthropist

Henriette Thatcher, a philanthropist, blogger and social worker in Cameroon is no more.

She died on Saturday 27 February at the age of 46 in Douala after being sick for a while.

Thatcher who was mostly called Mummy was a mother to many because of her care for even those who she never knew.

Thatcher was one of the best female community expert and social worker that Cameroon was blessed to have.

She saved numerous marriages and restored peace in many homes, and was also a great wind of change through her social media platform Henriette Thatcher’s Lounge.

Since the outbreak of the Anglophone Crises in Southern Cameroon, Thatcher took it upon herself and made herself a trusted verse by people in Cameroon and abroad to donate and accommodate internally displaced people from the areas hit by the crises.

She has done more than enough to be mentioned.

Thatcher has worked with MTN Cameroon and UNICEF before concentrating on her philanthropist work till death snatched her away.

She left behind a son and daughter, family members, friends and fans to mourn her.

May her gentile soul rest in peace!

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