Far North: Boko Haram Attack Leaves Several Injured

At least three civilians have been seriously injured but no loss of life following an invasion from the terrorist group Boko Haram in the locality of Amchide, Far North region of Cameroon on Sunday, April 2, 2023.

A local official in the locality who asked for his identity to be hidden told Xinhua news agency by telephone that “Two people were wounded by bullets and the other was wounded by a machete.”

Recently, police report have it that members of the Islamist group have infiltrated the area thereby increasing attacks on mostly civilians and security forces equally.

“We have been alerted that suicide bombers from Nigeria have infiltrated some villages in neighboring localities and apparently plan to plant explosive devices,” recounts Prefect Fombele Mathias Tayem of the Logone and Chari division.

To curb the attacks, Fombele Mathias says more people should be informed to stay vigilant and intensify security in the area.

This adds up to the explosive device (IED) attack on March 21, 2023, on a vehicle of the Rapid Intervention Battalion that left 4 injured.

The Logone and Chari department shares a boundary of about 400 km with Nigeria.

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