Edea: High School Student Chopped With Machete Prior To Altercation With Friend

A student in Terminale (Upper Sixth) at the Government High School in Ossombah by name Saoudouma Bell Abdou is in agony after being smacked on his head and wrist with a machete by a friend in Edea.

It is believed Pierre Mapouna, the perpetrator of the act assaulted the student at the Hausa quarter in Edea for saying annoying words about him.

Laminou, representative of the quarter head recounted: “It is said that the aggressor’s spoke badly about Saoudouma, so he was asking why he had to speak about him. That’s just what caused the confrontation.”

Angered by Saoudouma’s audacity to ruin his reputation, Pierre launched an attack on the former that has kept the victim in severe pains.

“On my wrist, I bled because when the machete was used. It cut the veins which enable me to move my fingers” Saoudouma explained.

“If I get help and intensive care, I believe it can be fine,” he added.

Pierre is reportedly on the run after carrying out such a daring act.

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