A woman is presently receiving treatment at a hospital in Bamenda, after she was involved in a misunderstanding with her landlord
As narrated by Nji Vera, the victim in a video that circulated on social media, she was surprised by her landlord, Wednesday July 13 morning
“When I was owing him he took me to the police, but I earlier paid all his rents and even paid three months upfront, today he came to my house this morning with one man who said he was a lawyer. They beat me with weapons…,” Nji Vera narrated in a viral video
According to further allegations explained by Vera, the landlord whose name she didn’t mention does not want her in his house anymore.
Commenting on social media platforms, many have called it a “gross human rights violation” demanding intervention from authorities
She is presently in the hospital. Meanwhile the said landlord is yet to tell his own side of the story
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