Cameroon: 32-year-old Sets Home On Fire After Quarrel Over 1500 FCFA

In Peté, Bandjoun in the West region, a 32-year-old man by the name of Joress, has set their home ablaze after asking his father for 1500 FCFA.

According to sources, the man asked for 1500 FCFA to gather documents for an entrance exam. His father refused to grant this request.

On the night of Tuesday, Joress resorted to setting fire to the family home where he resided with his parents in order to vent his resentment to them.

After setting the house on fire, Joress ran away and texted his father, promising to kill him when he got home.

He is being held at the Bandjoun gendarmerie post after being taken into custody where he will face the legal actions.

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