Breaking: After Douala, Another Story Building Collapses In Ngaoundere

According to reports, a four-story building fell early on this Tuesday July 25, 2023 in Ngaoundere, Adamawa region, terrifying the locals.

This comes at the same time when Cameroonians are still reflecting on what happened to at least 37 of their countrymen who perished in a four-story building that collapsed on Saturday night breaking Sunday, July 23, 2023 in Douala.

According to sources, on this Tuesday at about 8 am, a four-story structure fell in the Baladji suburb of Ngaoundere.

A woman and her three children are thought to have been trapped under the rubble, according to preliminary investigations. Additionally, a pregnant woman is said to have been saved by firefighters.

The Senior Divisional Officer for the Vina, the Mayor of Nganoundere, and the Regional Delegate for National Security for the Adamaoua Region answered present at the scene to assess the incident’s effects.

This most recent building collapse occurs while the death toll from the Mobile Guinness building disaster in Douala continues to rise. It was 37 as of Tuesday morning, with 21 people injured.

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