Hey Buddies! Know This About Dating,Step Up Your Game & Stop F*cking Around.

Have you ever really wondered what dating is and what should be the focus of dating? Certainly you have, so here is an answer to those worries :

Am happy you clicked the link to read this article on ARREYB, it shows you have time for love and is ready to know something. Now lets get started.::::::::

I counseled a couple who now have a pet name for themselves (probably “beh”) and Thanks is what I get each day because their love life changed. But hey, you would want to see where I got these ideas. 

You are lucky to see my original manuscript so get my love gift for you, consume and share as your love life sky rockets.

Many of you have always asked to know what is dating and when you should start dating. Never mind all these would be unveiled to you.

Just to give you a glimpse, dating is a mutual relationship with the consent of both parties. Meaning both parties must decide and it is never on assumption. 
I write this because I have had many cases where most especially ladies assume they are in love until something happens and the guy is smart enough to claim “I never told you I “loved” you, we just started seeing each other”. 

Countless times I have seen ladies pour out those tears for things like this. 

Well, let’s not focus on that, you can follow us for further detailed write-ups on this which will be posted and also sent directly to your mail.

Whether you like it or not, Love is part of you. I have heard people say its carnal and demonic even in church. 

In fact I was embarrassed few days ago when this lady walks up to me and tells me that talking about love is carnal.

”I cant even be part of your love seminars, you’re helping people to go to hell”. She said

f****ckkk! I got so angry I nearly kicked her head-tie off her head. I asked;

“Why did God give man emotions? Do u mean emotions are also demonic? Then all humans are demonic, dont you think so?”She was quiet.

Let’s establish here that every human has emotions. To say love is demonic is to say God is demonic because you would be accusing God of putting those “demons” into us. 

If you are a christian, your bible would tell you that God authored all love. 

We are all products of Love and if you say love is demonic then we (products of love action) should be demons.

For years I realized that both married as well as singles have problems handling Love issues because they have not been taught. 

Even our Christian church which should provide this knowledge has scared away from such talks, a way not to spoil the youths. 
This has led to a growing rate of errors as these youths and married people only learn from the already made mistakes in relationships. Worst of all, those who get pregnant think life is ended and get discouraged to try again. I think there can be HOPE.

Read on there’s more:

Whether you like it or not, Love issues are able to break you down be it at work or school, except you didn’t feel love. 

What is worst is that youths prefer to spend more on dates than on learning these things. Ladies only love the guy who takes you out and spend thousands on a date. In fact they rate the love by how much He can spend.  

Well am happy you reading this post on ARREYB has choosed knowledge and would now know where to channel your resources. Even if you stop reading here, you have learnt to spend on what matters-LOVE . Mark you, LOVE IS EXPENSIVE, IF YOU CAN’T PAY, DON’T LOVE

All we intend to do is give you a basis of LOVE $ RELATIONSHIPS. Whether you are a Christian or not, Love has a part to play in your life.

Let me share with you some really amazing quotes on Love by the Love Doctor Himself (Apostle Lefor Divine D.)

While you read, remember more of this will be posted as a serial and you can get to us for more. Like us on twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn  ArreyB’s Blog


1. A relationship must be expensive from both ends. It not just about money, but it costs time, energy and emotions. Thats why the person you stay with matters.

2. Relationships are for the mature. A mature person thinks about responsibility. If you are not ready for responsibility then you are not ready for a relationship

3. We dont look for what we can gain in love. Most people give more in the relationships they love

4. A relationship is like a revelation. Daily it unveils and you get to enjoy the person

5. One of the worst things to do is to try to fit a partner to your direction. NO. The partner fits by default.

6. Generally a girl might think that her money is hers and a guys money is theirs; this is wrong.  A good relationship must experience giving from both ends.

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