SDF Littoral Chairman, Hon. Michel Nintcheu Replies Ban Of Solidarity March-Exclusive On ARREYB

Approximately two hours after the release of a communique to ban the much anticipated SDF march by the  DO of Douala I , ARREYB placed  a call to Hon. Jean Michel Nintcheu, SDF regional president for Littoral who made it clear that the March must take place

The SDF solidarity March was slated for Saturday October 21 but banned early today through a released communique. 
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Suggested:Douala 1 DO Bans SDF Solidarity March

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The call  as recorded, loosely translated from French to English

Phone rings and Honourable picks up…

  • Hon: Hello? 
  • ARREYB: Good day Honorable, this is ÀRREYB talking
  • Hon: yes, what can I do for you? 
  •  ARREYB: Hon. before us is a communique singned by the DO of Douala 1 revoking the right you previously had to hold an SDF solidarity march . Have you seen this communique and what is your reaction to it? 
  • Hon: Yes i have but the manifestation is maintained
  • ARREYB: Honourable dou you mean you would not respect the signed document? 
  • Hon: We have decided to cease our liberty because we are the ones who have our liberty. 

Hon. Drops the call…

We can only wait to see the outcome of this Saturday.

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