NW Governor Makes It Obligatory For Vehicles To Carry CEMAC Plate Number

As from 15, June, 2022, all vehicles users in the North West region are obliged to carry on their CEMAC plate numbers on their vehicles.

According to North West Governor, Adolphe Lele Lafrique, this is to curb the number of unidentified vehicles circulating in the town.

In a press release signed by Viang Mekah, Civil Administrator at the Governor’s office, it is said that anonymous and illegal plate numbers have become dominant in the town.

“To put an end to this type of anarchy, which has lasted for too long, all vehicles both administrative and private circulating within the North West region are recommended to imperatively have their respective prescribed CEMAC plates,”a section of the release says

All Senior Divisional Officers in the North West region have been charged to implement the order in their various areas of jurisdiction.

It is alleged that many people who are using the anonymous or chassis number do so because of fear of being kidnapped by Ambazonian fighters.

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