North West: Parents Rejoice After Military Frees Children From Gun Men Hands

Some parents have been celebrating in Pinyin, a locality in Santa, North West region after state forces liberated their children from the hands of gun men.

Government General, Nka Valere Commander of the 5th military region, said nine hostages were set free from the camp belonging to the said gun men.

Their freedom came after soldiers launched an attack in the area from April 15, the commander told the press.

“All of us are happy as we heard the news that our children are here. We want to thank the soldiers to continue the good work” one of the parents said.

Hostage narrates ordeal story, says he prefers to stay with the military than going back to the village, after his release.
“Even if you tell me to return home I won’t, I must remain with the military because they have saved my life,”  the victim said.

The hostages said they were kept in the camp without telling their crimes. They were beaten every morning and given food just once in two days.

Parents and the hostages have narrated how they were kidnapped from their homes at about   1 am with their motorbikes and some of their belongings.

“At about 1 am , I heard a knock on my door, when I asked who was there, they responded that they are ‘soldiers’. When I open my door, they took me away on a bike together with some other people I couldn’t recognised,” one of the victims said.

While addressing the situation, General Nka Valere, Commander of the 5th military region said the hostages will be handed to the Gendarmerie for proper investigations.

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