The two political leaders met in Douala on Sunday, presumably to draft a game plan to fight against dictatorship in Cameroon – a movement which he Kamto had reinvented weeks ago.
Maurice Kamto of the MRC party and Edith Kah Wallah of the CPP met for the first time since the 2018 presidential elections.
Remember that last week, Kamto and the CRM Party announced a demonstration come September 22, against dictatorship in Cameroon
Governors Naseri Paul Bea and Samuel Dieudonné Ivaha of the Centre and Littoral regions respectively, have warned against the consequences of an unauthorised protest.
But if Kamto and his party are known for one thing, it is their wilful ability to cross the Cameroonian law and be beaten – as the government as always reacted with its standby military.
On Tuesday September 8, Paul Atanga Nji, minister of territorial administration also said in a press briefing that “all those who are trying to organise public meetings without authorisations won’t go unpunished”. He was insinuating that opposition leaders could also face the “law”
Last week the SDF and CRM parties announced that they won’t be part of the regional elections which Paul Biya, Cameroon’s long standing president (since 1982) announced.
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