Ghana’s President, Nana Akufo Addo’s Embarrassing Speech To The Western Powers: Nollyhood Actor Praises Addo-“I Feel Like You Are My Father”

President Akufo-Addo’s quest to see Africa taken beyond aid was once again on full display, after his latest speech sent a strong word to the Western world.

Akufo-Ado hosted France President Emmanuel Macron last week, with the pair meeting to discuss matters ranging from unity, investment and partnership building.

However, the part that caught the eyes of many was when the Ghanaian President made a bold statement concerning Africa’s continuous reliance on European countries for support. Right in the presence of President Macron, Akufo-Addo insisted that Africa “can no longer continue to make policies for ourselves, our regions and our continents on the basis of whatever the Western world or France or the European Union can give us.

It will not work. It has not worked and it will not work”. He added: “Our responsibility is to charter a path which is about how we can develop our nations ourselves. It is not right for country like Ghana – 60 years after independence – to still have its health and education budgets being financed on the basis of the generosity of European tax-payers.”

His comments visibly made the France President uncomfortable, with his demeanor clearly depicting a man sitting on tenterhooks.


we can no longer continue to make policy for ourseles and our continet on the basis of whatserve support the western world or France would gives us. it would not work, it has not worked and it would not work

Ghanaian President Embarrass French President With Shocking Speech

Nollywood Actor Jeseph Okechukwu Comments on Pres.Nana Addo

praises Nana Akufo Addo

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