As of May 2, 2020, 1,832 Covid-19 cases have been reported in Cameroon, 934 recoveries and 61 deaths.
According to health minister Manaouda Malachie, Cameroon has 70 oxygen extractors, 34 respirators, 40,000 overcoats, 2,000 glasses, 320,000 masks and 220 knapsack sprayers.
The Minister said contrary to rumors, Douala, just like other 8 functional laboratories across the country have sufficient testing capacity
Cameroon remains one of the hardest hit countries in Sub-Saharan Africa after South Africa with 5,951 infections, 2,382 recovered and 116 deaths.
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Other government-arranged plans are ongoing but Cameroonians are worried about their president.
On social media, they are increasingly demanding to hear him speak about the growing outbreak on the soil May 20 approaches.
They want to see more concern, just like other presidents have done, sharing the pain in making daily video appearances.
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