Health authorities in Cameroon have announced that as of May 11, 2020, 2,579 Covid-19 cases have been reported, 1,465 recoveries, 114 deaths and 121 hospitalised.
Health minister Manaouda Malachie earlier said Cameroon is doing everything possible to fight against the virus. He mentioned the nation had 70 oxygen extractors, 34 respirators, 40,000 overcoats, 2,000 glasses, 320,000 masks and 220 knapsack sprayers, with potential to increase and also called on citizens to stop the stigmatisation of covid-19 patients in Cameroon.
“Stop the stigmatisation of COVID patients, COVID is not a disease of shame so let’s not hide in homes and let’s go to the hospital for other illnesses without risk of getting infected” the minister said encouraging other sick persons to visit the hospital
Cameroon remains one of the hardest hit countries in Sub-Saharan Africa after South Africa with 10,015 infections and the 7th most affected country in Africa.
Early last week, about 500 Coronavirus patients that had been taking the treatment of Archbishop Samuel Kleda were reportedly cured, as mentioned by the clergy in a press conference in Douala last week. This has raised the hopes that a cure may on its way in Cameroon.
As other government-arranged plans are ongoing, Cameroonians increasingly worry that the president has stayed mute in the crisis
On social media, there are agitations to hear him speak about the growing outbreak on the soil May 20 approaches.
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