Bali Nyonga: Girl In Her 20s, Brutally Tortured And Killed By Unknown Men

The body of young lady in her 20s has been discovered in Bali Nyonga, North West region of Cameroon.

Earlier abducted by unknown men, inhabitants say the body was discovered today morning. The images we received of the liveless body showed an advanced state of torture and blood clots.

She was abducted a few days ago” , an inhabitant said, adding that he couldn’t tell who exactly

No one has taken responsibility for the killing and citizens say they can’t point a finger if a military or separatist camp killed her.

Cameroon remains troubled by gun battles and daily fightings in the Anglophone regions, and military forces continue to battle against Ambazonia fighters seeking to establish the federal state of Ambazonia.

Everyday, at least one person gets killed in the these regions

The sad thing about these deaths, is that, no one investigates them, and no one takes responsibility.

Similarly, hundreds of civilians have been tortured, wounded and brutally killed in gun battles between both camps.

The official death toll in the past three years has beat 3,000 with several people still detained, more than 200 villages burnt down and over a million people displaced

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