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We focus on reporting news, politics, press freedom and human rights stories. ARREYB Media is quoted by BBC Monitoring, BBC Focus On Africa, British Council, Infinity Blog Awards USA, politicians on all sides, newspapers and happy ARREYB readers. We speak truth to power, check government excesses and push for communities. Founded by Arrey Bate, Cameroonian Journalist, Blogger and Online Entrepreneur ( )

President Paul Biya Addresses Cameroon

President Paul Biya has announced he will address Cameroon tonight “Follow my Message to the Nation at 8 pm on radio, television and the social media” he wrote on Facebook It had been months since anyone heard the president of…

Prophet Franklin Ndifor Is No More

Prophet Franklin Ndifor Afanwi, founder of Kingship International Ministry is no more, a post by Serge Espoir Matomba has confirmed It said the founder of the MCNC party and presidential candidate in the 2018 presidential election died today, after a…

UB Declares Agbor Nkongho Sacked

Authorities of the University of Buea have released an unofficial note declaring the dismissal of Human rights lawyer and teacher, Felix Agbor Nkongho The note is signed by Molua L. Ernest, Registrar of the University and comes hours after the…

Covid-19: IMF Approves $226 Million To Cameroon

IMF Executive Board Approves a US$226 million Disbursement to Cameroon to Address the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic May 4, 2020 Washington DC– The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved today a disbursement under the Rapid Credit…